Writing Resources


Because we all need some direction in our writing world …

My critique buddies turned me on to so many useful sites. I couldn’t keep them all organized on my laptop (nor bookmarked - I’m not that organized). But I figured if I collected and shared them here, they might be useful to another aspiring writer.



Writing Your Synopsis

Writing Poetry

Writing Communities and Workshops

Writing communities come in so many different shapes and sizes—some are local, distant, ongoing, workshops, seminars, and beyond. Here are some great resources for open writing villages I’ve been introduced to…


Writing Your Book (Editing, Revising, & Other Useful Tips)

My best writing friend turned me on to some sites I’ll be forever grateful she included in each of her critiques of my early work. Referring back to the notes I learned here saved me a lot of trouble from tripping over the same mistakes allowing her to save time reminding me to stop making them, and me opportunities to make new ones.


Writing Your Query

I hate writing queries. I say that in plural because I think I probably had about a dozen for each of the novels I’ve pitched. They’re hard. There’s no formula to apply from all the templates and “successful” examples I read. Some readers claimed them to be “too stiff,” others “too loose.” What the hell do they want?! I’ll let you know when I land an agent, but until then, I’ll share some of the links and books I worked with.

Query and Rejection

As of this date, I’ve been rejected so many times, I stopped counting. It hurts and some days I’ve tried to talk myself into giving up/quitting. Except…what would I do next?! I don’t know…so…here are some pick-me-ups…


Special Thanks…

There are a ton of links and sites I’ve used that don’t necessarily fall into the neat categories above. For now, I’ll put them here. When/if I find more content on a specific topic, I’ll definitely create a more personable subtitle.

  • Inked Voices - online critique forum…because your friends and family usually don’t give you the hard truth you need to get better!

  • D.M. Weade - one of my critique buddies (and writing support system) has a great selection of resources for writing and creative outlets beyond those mentioned above. I’ve found a lot of awesome content from his site as it inspired the creation of this page.

  • Reedsy - Need an editor, publicist, ghost-writer, marketer, or designer? This is the place…

  • Jane Friedman - because she’s a guru and has an article on just about every topic related to the literary world.

  • Canva - Check out this simplified graphic-design tool, founded in 2012. It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides access to photographs, vector images, graphics, and fonts. It is used by non-designers as well as professionals. The tools can be used for both web and print media design and graphics.

  • How Some Male Authors Described Women In Books - This is out of mere fun. I want to believe not all male writers are like this.